Yoga Teacher Training 200 hour Yoga Alliance
Just Yoga is a Yoga Teacher Training School offering (200hour) Yoga Teacher Training courses accredited with Yoga Alliance International.

Do you want to be a successful yoga teacher?
It is for people who like to know deeper about yoga or who likes to become yoga teacher.
为什么选择来Just Yoga瑜伽馆
- 创立于2006年,强调教导传统瑜伽锻炼,导师不断的自身体验,改进和提升不同技巧,让更多人认识瑜伽和受益瑜伽。
- 导师们拥有超过十年以上瑜伽练习经验, 拥有丰富的授课及培训经验,导师们能很精准的引导培训的学员正确有效的学习如何教导传统瑜伽。
- 培训学员们接着通过聆听不同的导师们分享实实在在的瑜伽教学体验和有趣的经历来提升瑜伽教学技巧。
- 引导和启发个别学员的教学风格及有机会体验真实课堂教学。
New Intake Yoga Teacher Training
We offer intensive and part-times courses. It is affordable and flexible. Our teacher training course is covering many elements of yoga, including yoga history, systematic study on the movement of asana, breathing techniques, and the art of teaching.
Practical Experience
整个课程将会强调实际课堂经验的练习。 当课程完毕后,您将会有机会在实际课堂教学。从中您将会更快的掌握课堂教学的技巧与经验。
In our course, we are emphasizing of practical experience. You will have opportunity to teach the public by the end of the course. In the practical experience, you will able to develop your teaching skill and knowledge with the guidance of the trainer.
Course Contents
- 瑜伽的历史 Yoga History
- 瑜珈的种类 Type of Yoga
- 基本人体解剖 Human Anatomy
- 瑜伽导师的责任和道德标准 Yoga teacher ethnic
- 瑜伽饮食 Yoga Diet
- 瑜伽体式 Type of Asana
- 呼吸控制 Pranayama (Breathing Technique)
- 瑜伽清洁和洁化法/收束法 Kriya & Bandha
- 课堂教学程序 Teaching Methodology
- 商业和营销 Business & Marketing
参与者所需要的条件 Participator Qualification
- 年满十六或以上Min 16 years old and above.
- 适合于那些想更深层了解瑜珈练习与瑜珈的艺术的人士
Open to all practitioners who wish to deepen their yoga practice and understand about the Art of Yoga. - 适合那些想要成为一个合格的和成功的瑜伽老师
Those who wish to become a qualified and successful yoga teacher.
语言 Language
- 华语与英语 Mandarin & English
- 能听,读,写中文和简单英文 Able to understand,read and write in Chinese
- Duration: 4 to 5 months (exclusive of on job training)
- Weekend course
瑜伽教练的程序将让你 The yoga instructor program will:
- 深化理解瑜伽的背景 For deeper understanding the background of yoga
- 专业的课堂教学 Able to conduct a yoga class in a professional way
- 应用瑜伽知识自我疗愈和帮助别人 Applying yoga knowledge for self healing and to help others.
- 灵活和自由的工作时间 Flexible and freedom working hours.